Vocel Eze Voice Saver Kit Lemon Menthol

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Includes 1 bottle of Vocal Eze & 12 Lemon Menthol Manuka Honey Drops

Vocal Eze Voice Saver Kit – Like Christmas For Your Voice

Luscious Lemon Menthol Flavor

If there was the perfect, portable wellness kit for vocal professionals, here it be.

Each Vocal Eze Voice Saver Kit comes with a 1oz. bottle of the spray that started it all, as well as a pack of 12 heavenly Manuka Honey Drops. Throw a kit in your gig bag, travel case, backpack, whatever and you will have delicious, cooling, moisturizing vocal power anywhere, any time.

Talk about the best of both vocal worlds! Behold the dynamic duo:

Our legendary Vocal Eze spray is a proprietary blend of the highest quality Marshmallow Root, Osha Root, Licorice Root, Echinacea Purpurea root, Propolis, Ginger Root, Aloe Vera Juice, and Honey. Each spray soothes your pipes; you get the delicious cooling effect that turns our customers into die-hard fans.

Also included in the kit are 12 Manuka honey drops infused with lemon and light menthol, ideal for sore and overused throats promoting voice clarity, comfort, and hydration. If you havent experienced what high-grade Manuka honey can do for your throat, lets just say youre missing out royally.

Organic Cane Syrup, Organic Brown Rice Syrup, Manuka Honey UMF 10+ (MGO 265+), Bee Propolis, Organic Lemon Oil, Organic Menthol Oil…these drops are decadent little doses of pure heaven. The perfectly balanced lemon flavor has just a hint of menthol to soothe and cool, but not to overpower the lemon-honey amazingness.

The Vocal Eze Voice Saver Kit:

  • Means Confidence. Having your best voice when you need it enables confidence to take your game even higher. Every speech, talk, or performance is a chance to leave a lasting impression. No more choking! (Unless you accidentally swallow down the wrong pipe. Then thats on you.)
  • Makes Your Immune System Sing. Although Vocal Eze is great for recovering from vocal strain and overuse, the all-natural ingredients help promote all-around healthy vocal response and immune system.
  • Couldnt Be More Convenient. Carry the kit with you ANYWHERE. Even an impromptu speech or unexpected gig is nothing to worry about. Just a few sprays and youre ready to roll!
  • MUST Be Experienced. You know your voice like the back of your hand (not sure if that analogy is the best, but you know where were going). Youve tried traditional lozenges and may have doused your throat with a spray full of pharmaceuticals. After a few quick blasts of Vocal Eze, you will taste and feel the difference. The yummy cooling effect is like nothing else.
  • An Amazing Deal! Youll get more bang for the buck when you go with the kit. And having both options is perfect for any vocal health situation. For the real touch, unexpected throat malfunction, youll have a blessing in this little box of Vocal Eze essentials.


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